► About us We are a Czechoslovak server focused on economics. Our main goal is player satisfaction. If I don't know what to do, there is a helpful Admin-team on the server to help you solve your problem.
► Game Modes Survival On our survival mode a large map is generated, without the currently planned wipes.
Special features:
- Bosses
- Black market
- Auction
- Peti
- Dungeons
- Player Shops
- Mines
- Tags
- Marriage
- Residence
- Special Tools
- Special Items
- Collectible Items
- Random Teleportation
- Player Warp
- Jobs
- PvP
- Special Chests
OP-Skyblock We are one of the few servers that run this game mode. Here you will find many conveniences that will help you with your development.
- Mimons
- PvP
- Special Items
- Custom Islands
- Custom Generators
- Island Upgrades
- Rich economy
- Special chests
- Island Ratings
- Flying for voting
► Contact us
- Website: https://surpriseplay.eu
- Instagram: @surpriseplayeu
- Discord: discord.surpriseplay.eu
- TeamSpeak: ts3.surpriseplay.eu