
Czech Minecraft server

🔗 | Website: Visit us here 👥 | Community Discord: Join us here 🌍 | Online Map: Explore the map here 🎮 | Server Address: /

The server is available for both Java Edition and Bedrock/MC:PE Edition, cracked and purchased versions of the game.

NitroLandia is a Czech whitelisted server that was created in response to my disappointment with the current servers. On NitroLandia you won't find any microtransactions, VIP membership, voting or useless plugins.

Our philosophy is simple - we build on trust. That's why we decided to leave out plugins like residency or lockers that can unnecessarily complicate or delay the game.

Of course, we do have a few plugins to ensure server security, server functionality and minor tweaks (e.g. Essentials). We also offer a few datapacks that improve vanilla gameplay (e.g. silencing mobs) and custom recipes that make the game more interesting (e.g. sand staining) - see our website for more information.

To connect to the server, you need to fill out the registration on our website, approval is fast.

Thanks and we look forward to seeing you!

NitroLandia [Java/Bedrock/MC:PE] thumbnail