Hi, hello to all players, Warez and Original We are a survival mod server without minigames. We have a sophisticated RPG leveling with support for skills. Stop boring lvl in the bath. You can earn money with us by completing puzzles in chat, selling resources in your own shop because the economy is only between the game, there are no admin shops on the server. There are also jobs on the server - Jobs The world is 30 000 blocks from spawn to all sides. On the server we have the possibility to have moving cars, flying machines, mining machines and trains of different speeds. Of course you buy them from your own money earned in the game. We have many paid plugins so the server is much more realistic than just a single. Mame /home /back /spawn /warps /rtp /tpa The server strictly bans any type of hacks when found - fed by another player. You won't find VIP here. We are working on an RPG world with numerous quest and boss variety. New creatures, zombies, and a HARD opacity of the game! We have free residence and protection crates without resky (lvc) I listen to players and their wishes.! Try to give us a chance. We are looking for players with decent manners. Swearing is punishable by tempban. Good luck, and thanks for taking the time to read this status. The server has been running for over a year and we have no plans to shut it down sooner or later. Discord: https://discord.gg/FdCAFEVj9y Owner. The player must have been playing on the server for a long time. Let's see if he really wants it.)

MinneVille CZ / SK banner