# Nickname Votes Last vote
#1 adobecity adobecity 5x 5 today 15:34
#2 Popoly Popoly 4x 4 13.12 20:18
#3 RealMonstar RealMonstar 4x 4 13.12 23:27
#4 nerrian nerrian 4x 4 14.12 10:08
#5 ICHITO ICHITO 4x 4 16.12 09:09
#6 bibibox bibibox 4x 4 yesterday 10:32
#7 DimShell DimShell 4x 4 yesterday 12:57
#8 komlo komlo 4x 4 yesterday 17:14
#9 Starvo1ce Starvo1ce 4x 4 today 09:21
#10 Puodukas Puodukas 3x 3 08.12 14:45
#11 Aurorite Aurorite 3x 3 11.12 10:21
#12 Astavar Astavar 3x 3 11.12 14:27
#13 kiwwijju kiwwijju 3x 3 12.12 16:32
#14 xoverseeer xoverseeer 3x 3 13.12 00:17
#15 AnilcanCG AnilcanCG 3x 3 13.12 14:20
#16 Iltlia Iltlia 3x 3 14.12 01:20
#17 djtravz djtravz 3x 3 14.12 02:26
#18 BenjaPvP BenjaPvP 3x 3 14.12 06:53
#19 MorstestCorn MorstestCorn 3x 3 14.12 09:09
#20 GlitchProds GlitchProds 3x 3 14.12 23:38
#21 killervoid killervoid 3x 3 15.12 04:24
#22 BlackerXWhiter BlackerXWhiter 3x 3 15.12 04:39
#23 SquishyFlumpp SquishyFlumpp 3x 3 15.12 07:54
#24 scrungobungus scrungobungus 3x 3 15.12 17:13
#25 InvisibleFake InvisibleFake 3x 3 15.12 18:57
#26 vpcalv vpcalv 3x 3 15.12 19:08
#27 Johatten Johatten 3x 3 15.12 21:07
#28 wonderer wonderer 3x 3 15.12 23:37
#29 pygoldsmith pygoldsmith 3x 3 16.12 13:15
#30 PatrioticMF PatrioticMF 3x 3 16.12 14:18
#31 domesticyonder domesticyonder 3x 3 17.12 06:54
#32 Brutality Brutality 3x 3 17.12 08:26
#33 Lomomoo Lomomoo 3x 3 17.12 10:50
#34 mobz mobz 3x 3 17.12 14:25
#35 hellfire hellfire 3x 3 17.12 19:55
#36 Abiu Abiu 3x 3 18.12 04:11
#37 DiabeticX DiabeticX 3x 3 18.12 09:41
#38 nighthowl nighthowl 3x 3 18.12 12:26
#39 Anturni Anturni 3x 3 18.12 13:21
#40 GregorianCalendar GregorianCalendar 3x 3 18.12 21:45
#41 JuanaBang JuanaBang 3x 3 19.12 00:37
#42 FlowingRacks FlowingRacks 3x 3 19.12 02:25
#43 epicgamerXX epicgamerXX 3x 3 19.12 04:31
#44 Isopodia Isopodia 3x 3 19.12 10:49
#45 hotgun hotgun 3x 3 19.12 13:12
#46 FoxyThefoxYT FoxyThefoxYT 3x 3 19.12 17:52
#47 upset upset 3x 3 19.12 18:17
#48 the the 3x 3 19.12 22:05
#49 Credox Credox 3x 3 yesterday 00:45
#50 AEGOG AEGOG 3x 3 yesterday 06:06
#51 PharaohMC PharaohMC 3x 3 yesterday 08:22
#52 SpaceMan SpaceMan 3x 3 yesterday 08:52
#53 kashon kashon 3x 3 yesterday 09:55
#54 NToJ NToJ 3x 3 yesterday 10:42
#55 C0R4UP13D C0R4UP13D 3x 3 yesterday 13:38
#56 Dakumaru Dakumaru 3x 3 yesterday 17:19
#57 MrStinko MrStinko 3x 3 today 02:34
#58 henrylin henrylin 3x 3 today 02:50
#59 albotank albotank 3x 3 today 04:51
#60 BigTick BigTick 3x 3 today 12:42
#61 Afox Afox 2x 2 03.12 10:07
#62 PowerdPotato PowerdPotato 2x 2 04.12 09:40
#63 NuggetKing NuggetKing 2x 2 04.12 17:00
#64 Monsterline Monsterline 2x 2 05.12 03:04
#65 Roukeur Roukeur 2x 2 05.12 04:37
#66 kimchaew kimchaew 2x 2 05.12 18:30
#67 TrulyGage TrulyGage 2x 2 06.12 03:48
#68 cherryfarmer cherryfarmer 2x 2 06.12 06:42
#69 catboy catboy 2x 2 06.12 13:11
#70 QcBlastar QcBlastar 2x 2 06.12 15:39
#71 bloben bloben 2x 2 06.12 17:06
#72 brogdog brogdog 2x 2 06.12 18:15
#73 VGK VGK 2x 2 06.12 19:14
#74 T2RedP T2RedP 2x 2 07.12 03:24
#75 GamerInspired GamerInspired 2x 2 07.12 10:04
#76 BigHea BigHea 2x 2 08.12 02:27
#77 pluviar pluviar 2x 2 08.12 06:35
#78 benjaGamingHD benjaGamingHD 2x 2 08.12 08:21
#79 Epic Epic 2x 2 08.12 09:23
#80 mccamo mccamo 2x 2 08.12 12:31
#81 Pupunuts Pupunuts 2x 2 08.12 12:47
#82 Berouminum Berouminum 2x 2 08.12 16:22
#83 Nqutical Nqutical 2x 2 08.12 16:40
#84 ScarecrowCo ScarecrowCo 2x 2 08.12 22:26
#85 Lamborgh Lamborgh 2x 2 08.12 23:19
#86 Herobrinearceus Herobrinearceus 2x 2 09.12 05:09
#87 joebuttkin joebuttkin 2x 2 09.12 06:23
#88 Funkdaddymac Funkdaddymac 2x 2 09.12 16:23
#89 l3UC l3UC 2x 2 09.12 23:01
#90 bariton bariton 2x 2 09.12 23:22
#91 DreamWild DreamWild 2x 2 10.12 00:34
#92 MakkoSlade MakkoSlade 2x 2 10.12 02:52
#93 Patrols Patrols 2x 2 10.12 04:28
#94 Shadow Shadow 2x 2 10.12 05:42
#95 swedishnews swedishnews 2x 2 10.12 05:54
#96 Keryst Keryst 2x 2 10.12 07:21
#97 UndertaleFan UndertaleFan 2x 2 10.12 09:14
#98 ZiccL ZiccL 2x 2 10.12 09:25
#99 iJx iJx 2x 2 10.12 11:24
#100 SonOfGeorge SonOfGeorge 2x 2 10.12 11:40