Hard Hard Economy Survival
- With ViaVersion you can get to the server with any 1.21 version without any problem
- After connecting you will be asked to activate the server resource pack. Currently it doesn't give you much, but in the future I don't rule out custom items with animations as you know on various other servers.
- PyroFishing, PyroFarming, PyroMining after earnings revision and greatly reduced buyout prices
- PyroWeather** adds custom weather and storms. Watch out, they can kill you, AcidRain is doing it slowly but surely
- /shop with much increased prices on sale, and much reduced prices on redemption
- Autosell chest for purchase in the /shop, for your auto farms
- AuctionHouse /ah allows you to sell your items, both in units of pieces and by command
- With Upgradeable hoppers, /spawn shops will be quite a joy to make, of course, use elsewhere
- Residence? Well, you'll need that. Among the rules will be that what is not locked in residency is public (as far as the contents of chests etc are concerned).
- Residence is paid, the price is not multiplied by Y, so you only pay m2
- Commands like /sethome, /removehome are waiting for you here too. However, in the base you only have 1 (+ death bed)
- The /jobs job assignment has been refinanced. It may not seem like much, but if you work hard enough, you'll earn a reward.
- To prevent insanity, the FarmControl plugin will prevent huge animal farms, and limiting to regular farms will be provided.
- Beware, there are limits on animals and Villagers!!!
- Serverchat linked to Discord, so you can see the activity of your favourite (or non-favourite)
- Upcoming /manual will tell you the basic commands, information and proper procedures on this server so that you don't have to ask anyone the bare minimum
- Custom Scoreboard (/sb) and TabPanel should give you all the basic information about your character or the server.
- Dynmap (link in #❕info-mc)
- Added Safari-Nets to /shop - Bonus items *Added Advanced Enchants (approx. 450 new /enchanter enchants)
- Revision of /shop - re-categorization, revision of prices, items in the shop...
- Added custom spawners to /shop - All can be upgraded, spawn up to 5 monsters at once etc......
- Upgradeable Furnace/Blast Furnace/Smoker - Upgradeable furnace, after revision, up to +80 speed and -80 fuel consumption! *Ready parcels to spawn, for your future trades - Automatic rental system via /res market... / 1 plot 1000¤, / 2 plot 2000¤
- Constantly fixing minor bugs, customizations, visuals and translations...