FeralCraft Vanilla 1.17 is intended as a pure vanilla server that will be existing for as long as 1.17 is up and then move forward to 1.18. It has no plugins except for CoreProtect for obvious reasons and is under a whitelist so there is control of inflow of players to the server. This is not our community primary server but acts as a nice experience for those who wish to enjoy 1.17 in its raw shape.



Fresh world


Friendly community


No griefing, no hacking

Must behave nicely and respect others

No lag machines, etc.

Community in discord will have the ability to vote on some stuff, such as End reset on weekly basis or implementation of more rules and some minimalistic gameplay impacts to improve the experience!

If you liked what you've seen, please join the discord to get whitelisted now: https://discord.com/invite/jSSKzwTfDu

Note: This server is running at a BETA host which puts servers with 0 players in to "sleep" state, so upon joining expect a slight delay while it boots up.

FeralCraft Vanilla Whitelist banner