Do you like pure vanilla and want to play on a server with a friendly community ?

Welcome to Coconoot, a vanilla minecraft server with a whitelist just for players with an original minecraft account where you can become anything you want. The server has been closed for a while as a personal server, but recently we decided to open it to the public and you can become our next member.

There is a spawn on the server where you can build a shop upon request. There's also a meter to all sides of the world. The server hosts frequent official events but also events of other players.

If you are interested in joining our community and being not only a part of it, but also becoming someone who will contribute to the visual appearance of the server and develop it together with others, feel free to join us on discord where you will find all the information and rules about our server.

Good luck with your application and don't forget - NOOT NOOT.

Coconut thumbnail