Greetings to all players on Atlantis! There is a survival where each player can use the so-called backpack, which opens after typing the command /chest and if you find this not enough, you will be pleased to see the Large Inventory , which you open with the "E" button, then click on one window, which is behind the arrow on the right side. Then another option is that you can get married. It would also be good to mention that you can vote on whether you want day ( /tv day) or night ( /tv night). You can also create your own shop - max 30 chests, you can also put a chest on the boat, but you have to be careful, because it does not lock, so someone can demolish your boat or take things from the chest!!! And then you can still find out how many bees you have in the hive, if you don't have a block in your hand, you can right click on the hive and it will show you how many bees you have there. And then you can sit on anything and lay on anything using the commands, sit (/sit) and lay (/lay), each time you pick yourself up using Shift. Another new feature on the server is that you can buy VIPs. For the money you earn in the game the VIP will be in the Shop. Its benefits are great and tempting for example. You can mine a spawner, furthermore you can turn the spawner into a monster egg. You can get it by using a hen egg. Always have a crafting table (/WB) handy, the ability to return to the original location you spawned from (ex. You port back home from a quest and want to go back to the place you were), have up to 7 homes , use commands like /fly (flying), /hat (you can put a block on your head that you are currently holding), /heal (it will heal you completely), you can also create your Shop and you can use 60 chests on your shop, but most importantly , you will be able to connect to a completely full server. As far as residences are concerned for VIP, they are free, and they are 259x259x259 (X, Y, Z). If you have any questions, please contact our email: .