We are the server Arcania.cz:

  • where worlds never mix with your builds!
  • that never gets cancelled years in advance!
  • which strives to be clear and playable
  • that listens to its players and doesn't ignore any ideas players have to improve the server
  • which has a great community on the Discord Server - https://discord.gg/HGdU5HY

Welcome to Arcania.cz!

⠀ Arcania is a Czech-Slovak Minecraft Server that was created for the well-known 6-year-old Discord Server https://discord.gg/HGdU5HY which has a great community of people.

We are a brand new minecraft server where you will find currently only Survival, but don't worry in the past we have already tried Creative, OneBlock and 15+ Miniherries which are guaranteed to come back in the future and will be better than ever!

Survival is full of improvements you won't find anywhere else! We're improving the server daily and listening to our players to make their gaming experience as enjoyable as possible. Just join us and take a look, only you have to judge what it's like here :)

Join us!

  • IP:⠀mc.arcania.cz
  • Version:⠀1.20 to 1.20.6+

We look forward to seeing you! ❤️

IP for Bedrock players we plan to add!

ARCANIA.CZ | 1.20 - 1.20.6 banner