
What is Zoebiecraft? Zoebiecraft is a brand new network consisting currently of 3 gamemodes;

Classic Survival Purely vanilla, if you want to play a server with a new community and feel that plugins ruin the experience, this is the gamemode for you!

Creative Big plots for you to use, build whatever you want as long as it's nothing obscene, the spawn area is beautifully designed also!

Modded-Survival This gamemode has an abundance of plugins aimed at those that want extra content during their survival experience, the features are as follows;

Rules The main rules are as followed, but not limited to this list, and rules can be changed at any time, please respect the rules and in turn we shall respect you.

1) Be respectful 2) No hacking 3) No spamming 4) No inappropriate language 5) No advertising 6) Griefing is allowed on classic survival (Not modded survival)

Main Features 💚 Slimefun 🥽 Grief Protection (claims) 💀 mcMMO 💼 Jobs 📦 Crates 🛒 Shops and an economy system 🔍 And many more...

Server Info Discord: https://discord.gg/GTKJU8rUWZ Server IP & Port: play.zoebiecraft.eu Joinable Versions: 1.9 - 1.19.4 Server Trailer: https://youtu.be/uZ0euk7uwiU

Server Application As of right now we are still looking for staff members and developers. If you are interested you can apply in our discord server. Or you can slide into Noobymen DMs on discord. Whatever you prefer.

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