Updated rules

📵 Keep your personal information secret. Do not share your personal information, or anyone elses.

👤 Do not threaten to expose someones information, ddos, swat threat, or anything similar.

💙 Respect other people

👮 We do not tolerate any form of hate or discrimination - your username, profile picture, and status included.

🕵️ Don't impersonate other users, staff, or anyone else

️⃣ Stay on topic in every channel

♻️ Don't spam or needlessly flood a channel

🆗 Try to keep discussion in voice & text channels in English

💬 No excessive swearing

🎁 No creating alts to enter giveaways

📰 No advertising other servers - this includes via DMs

🗣️ Make sure to be respectful and follow the rules in voice channels.

🔊 In voice channels, please do not play any overly loud or disruptive audios

🔪 Cheating will NOT be tolerated. This includes duping (You will get banned)

🎫 If you want to discuss your punishment, make a ticket. Keep it out of the chat.

🎟️ Do not make troll tickets or spam the tickets you're in.

🚩 Do not spam ping staff roles, or ping leadership roles.

📩 Do not share your ticket process - we will not handle it if we see you're doing this.

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