Created with Highcharts 10.3.3Selected periodPrevious period04:5005:4006:3007:2008:1009:0009:5010:4011:3012:2013:1014:0014:5015:4016:3017:2018:1019:0019:5020:4021:3022:2023:1000:0000:5001:4002:3003:2004:1005:0005:5006:4007:3008:2009:1010:0010:5011:4012:3013:2014:1015:0015:5016:4017:3018:2019:1020:0020:5021:4022:3023:2000:1001:0001:5002:4003:3004:2001020304050
Players by countries this month
Created with Highcharts 10.3.3Austria: 13.0 %Austria: 13.0 %Belgium: 0.3 %Belgium: 0.3 %Germany: 84.4 %Germany: 84.4 %Cambodia: 0.5 %Cambodia: 0.5 %Norway: 0.2 %Norway: 0.2 %Philippines: 0.2 %Philippines: 0.2 %United States: 1.4 %United States: 1.4 %
Top 10 voters last month
#1 BlockMaze BlockMaze 58x
#2 Acid_burn1981 Acid_burn1981 48x
#3 Knorzer Knorzer 31x
#4 KalmiSch KalmiSch 31x
#5 Fawe00 Fawe00 31x
#6 Schokoladeboy Schokoladeboy 31x
#7 FoulerLP FoulerLP 31x
#8 IrgendSoEinFloh IrgendSoEinFloh 30x
#9 Bluestar72 Bluestar72 30x
#10 Fidja Fidja 30x
Created with Highcharts 10.3.3Selected periodPrevious period020406080100120
Created with Highcharts 10.3.3Selected periodPrevious period0246810
Created with Highcharts 10.3.3Selected periodPrevious period102030405060