Neverending story

• The server was created for players who love this game. That's why I decided to do something exceptional and balanced, where each player will find what he adores at Minecraft. at the same time, according to many years of experience, we add a special touch to it together.

• We focus primarily on quality gaming together with friends, family and at the same time on the safety of players, property and the entire server for a satisfied community.

• There is a classic Survival, with an almost endless map. There is a fully developed economy, complemented by several special methods for earning rewards. The whole game mechanics of the game itself is changed to several different levels of skills of all kinds. The monsters are adapted to this with the same difficulty than in the original game. There are your own spells ready, which everyone is very happy to try. There is a lot of fun ready that will never get bored and the main magic of the whole server you must know yourself: 3

• The life stories of each of us take place every day, let's share them together and create one big one that won't end. We are looking forward to you o /

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